shift /SHift/

verb: to change direction

Shift Press is Houston’s youth publication on power.

Be seen and heard.

We launched Shift Press because it’s hard for young people to get news that’s relevant to their lives. In Houston, there aren’t places for youth to use media to their benefit.

Shift Press provides news and journalism training that encourages Houston youth civic engagement. 

We believe that more youth-produced media and better informed youth will bring about a healthier, better educated, and more prosperous Houston.

If you believe that youth should be seen, heard, and respected across Houston, you’re in the right place.

Want to send us a tip or submit feedback? Fill out this form.

Want to write a story? Pitch us! We pay.


We’re influenced by principles of movement journalism and civic journalism. The Southern journalism collective Press On defines movement journalism as journalism in service of liberation. Civic journalism is media that informs the public about important matters and encourages them to get involved.

  • We believe youth are entitled to information that’s relevant to their lives.
  • We believe our work must prioritize youth of minoritized identities to positively transform our neighborhoods.
  • We are committed to producing stories that are transparent, accurate, and evidence-based.

We are committed to making sure that what we create enriches the relationships and community we have with our audience.


What do you mean by “young” or “youth?”

  • We cover news relevant to folks under 25 years old.

What do you mean by “Houston?”

  • Greater Houston Area. Because our area’s boundaries are constantly debated, we tend to be flexible. 

What’s your next event?

  • [insert]

How can I donate to Shift Press?

  • Amy Fan,, Editor in Chief
  • Uyiosa Elegon,, Marketing and Development Director
Executive Board
  • Cassandra Jones, Faith in Action
  • Chris Valdez, Houston In Action
  • Jaison Oliver, Entrepreneur
  • Steven Wu, Woori Juntos
Advisory Board
  • Jamaur Barnes, educator
  • Kathleen McElroy, educator
  • Lewis Raven Wallace, journalist
  • Muizz Akhtar, journalist
  • Ross Ramsey, journalist
  • Sarah Yockley, educator, 
  • Sam Oser, journalist
  • Summer Harlow, educator
  • Amy Fan
  • Andrew Farias
  • Jalesha Bass
  • Loyce Gayo
  • Martha Aguirre Rubio
  • Uyiosa Elegon
  • Zoe Parker

Editorial Independence Policy

  • Soon to come

Ethics Policy

Fact-Checking Policy

Corrections policy

We issue corrections for anything we have gotten wrong.

Unnamed Sources Policy

Privacy Policy